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“God has not given us a spirit of fear.” 2 Timothy 1:7. This is so very true. When afraid–that things won’t work out, that the newest problem will be too big, that something will go wrong soon–we have to stop and remember that God has not brought us fear. He doesn’t want us to be afraid. He is with us and for us. When fears try to creep in and rattle you stop and remember that God doesn’t want you fearful. He is with us, no matter the difficulty! Don’t let fear hold your life hostage because it is a cruel taskmaster. So thankful for God’s kind help when I feel afraid.

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When the days are full and we have reached old age it is our children who will gather around us with love and care. No one at the end of life wishes they had spent more time at work! The demands of life are like gravity always pulling on us. Spend the days you have now reminded that faith and family are the two most important things. Everything else is secondary!

“Cast all of your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7 The beauty of this verse is that the very reason you can cast your cares on Him is because He cares for you. That’s His motivation–deep care and concern. I love those words, “He care for you.” simple but profound. Let those words soak into your heart and remember “cast” is an action word–let go of those cares and worries–cast them on Him! Be encouraged today!

The pressures of culture must never erode our standards. In fact, when culture disagrees or presses for change our standards are then most powerful and most effective. A candle is most useful when its environment grows dark!


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My son I pray for her daily for you….

If my child marries yours…

I just want you to know that I’m praying for you.

When I’m awake at night – feeding babies, burping babies, giving tylenol to a feverish toddler, covering up chilly toes, tucking green monkeys under little arms – I think of you. Because chances are, you’re awake too, doing the same sorts of things. Taking care of tiny children that I already love because they will someday hold the hearts that are beating against my chest tonight.

I’m praying that you’ll stand firm against the pressures to overcommit and hyper-schedule, that you’ll shut out the voices that tell you you’re not doing enough, that your kids aren’t doing enough.

I’m praying you’ll have the wisdom to know when to pick that crying baby up out of her crib and when to just sit outside her door, your fingertips pressed to the wood, willing her to feel your love and comfort and just finally fall asleep.

I’m praying that you will take those children to church…that the mothers and fathers of our future grandchildren will grow up knowing what it means to worship, even when that means missing out-of-town basketball tournaments and marathon sleepovers.

I’m praying that your love for and commitment to your spouse will swell with each year you’re together, that you will grow to love the legacy you are creating just as much as you adore the person you’re creating it with.

I’m praying that you take lots of pictures so that I can see where our grandchildren got their sticky-out ears and their mischievous grins.

I’m praying that Jesus will give you just enough strength each day to keep you from losing it but not so much that you forget Who that strength comes from.

I’m praying that we will be friends.

Will you pray those things for me too?

I don’t really pray for your child. Maybe I should. My husband does that, and I think it’s wonderful. But chances are, your child is just fine. And chances are, a lot of the time, you aren’t. Chances are, if you’re anything like me, you’re very tired. And some days, you get so discouraged. Sometimes, your temper erupts, your selfishness wins, and your smile is fake. Sometimes you forget to change the baby’s diaper, to spend time being silly with your toddler, to really see your spouse. So it’s you I am praying for right now, in the still darkness, with this baby fist pressed up under my chin and this sweet, sleepy breath on my ear. May you feel these prayers when you need them the most.

We are in this together, you and I. We are building something beautiful with each onesie folded, each invisible owie kissed, each story read.

You don’t know how much it means to me that you give your children everything you have every single day…even on days when it’s not much at all. Because your child will fall asleep next to mine for fifty-some years. Your child will be the one holding my child’s hand when our first grandchild is born. And when they face the darkest days of their lives, it will be your child and mine, facing into the struggle together.

I’m pretty sure that our longest days – the ones that are brim-full with hair-pulling moments, impossible messes, and toddler meltdowns – those are the days that we are fashioning hearts. And someday, one of the hearts I’m helping create will crash into one of your love-crafted hearts, and what spills out as a result of that jolt…it’s kind of up to us. I promise to tend to these hearts with utmost care, to plant in them humility and peace and selflessness…especially selflessness. I promise to plant Jesus seeds in these hearts every chance I get. And I promise to keep praying for you.

I’m praying that you will hug your boy tight when he’s sad or lonely or scared. Because someday, my girl – all grown beautiful with babies of her own – will be sad or lonely or scared. And he’ll need to know how to hold her. Teach him.

And let your daughters hear you speak righteous words that bring life and hope. Because someday, my sons will be worn and weary, and the words you’re placing in your daughters’ minds today just might become the balm to my sons’ souls.

I’m doing my best to do the same. And sometimes…much of the time…I fail. Pray for me too.

Someday we will sit on opposite sides of the aisle…all fancy and with gobs of tissues tucked into our fists. We’ll watch our silly, sticky, sweet babies somehow transform into brides and grooms and make the same promises to one another that we ourselves have kept…against all odds and only by His grace. And we will watch these children create families of their own with the ingredients we have given them. The ingredients we are slipping into their souls today.

But until then, I’m sitting here in the dark with babies in my arms.

And I’m praying for you.


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“Ministry — of the purest kind — isn’t about impressing others with a flawless life. It’s not about polished presentations, perfect families and always-put-together women.

It’s about daring to expose our hidden imperfections and giving others permission to do the same. Becoming a fellow struggler, faith wrestler and hand-holder who delivers zero judgment but instead offers oceans of presence and grace.

Why? Because we have a God who says we’re enough. Just as we are.” – Michele Cushatt, Author

This…so much! So many women try so hard to present as if they are perfect and have the perfect family! Or the perfect life, job, career, income, travel or whatever else. If we were perfect we wouldn’t need Jesus! But none of us are and we need HIM! Why are we so afraid of showing and sharing our struggles? Trials bring growth! We need to show one another the same grace Jesus shows us everyday! Thank you, Jesus for meeting us where we are and guiding us to grow in you and our faith!

I would say, ” We have a God that accepts us just where we are but doesn’t want us to stay just as we are” after all He calls us to be “Holy as He is Holy”

Praying for each of you tonight

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We’re Finally Open!


First off  I  want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because he got me to where I am today and with out him I would be nothing. He gave me the ability, strength and words to be able to  start this new part of my journey. I know that this is a large stepping stone to more great things.

WOW what a Journey this has been for me. I am so excited to be here right now and launch this business and share this new journey in my life with you called The Vintage Pearl Boutique. This journey started with a vision and blessing by the lord. Just a few years ago I accepted the lord as my savior and protector for the rest of my life at my grandmothers funeral, and then was further guided into the steps by my pastor at the time and his wife in Mesquite Texas. I knew then that I was a child of the one true king. Then I knew that God had big things in store for me. He created me to do big things in a mighty way for him. This business is a platform for me to spread the love and joy that I have been filled with on that very day that I accepted him into my life. So I decided I was going to do something, and that was Something BIG!!!!

I am so excited that you chose to purchase and view and share my website but most of all to follow me and read my blog and hear all about my life’s and the journeys i have been through. I will share really personal stuff that most people wouldn’t share. I will reach way down deep into my life box and share many things that may one day help someone, and well if it does just that then it was meant to be.

My journey has had major roadblocks along the way. I was knocked down really hard but knew that although I was knocked down that I would need Gods help and guidance to get back up and dust my self off each time and keep fighting the great fight.. I wouldn’t be here today typing this if I wouldn’t have fought through these things. That is the fight that you will be reading about in the blog. I will share stories about me and even about others that have changed or touched my life in a mighty way.

I really hope that you enjoy shopping for high-end items that are priced at reasonable prices for everyone. I know that I do not like spending an arm and a leg for one item so I searched high and low and really hard  to bring great items with great quality for a great price. Also be sure to watch the schedule for us to be out at local events in Georgia and Texas. Other states will be coming soon.

I am glad I listened to Jesus and not others. Because if I listened to all the people who said I don’t see your vision or how it will happen or don’t waste your time, or I don’t think you will achieve it. Let me be the first to thank you because you fueled my fire to move smarter and press me to even greater things.  I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!! Thank you Jesus for giving me the ability and strength to get to this part of my Journey. I am ready for more Lord lets get this rocking and change lives one person at a time….  Thank you for teaching me to be a Proverbs 31 woman.

Thank you to my web-developer who worked countless hours and days and months to help make this vision come to life and all of the beautiful models.

Thank you so much for being part of a awesome day. Have fun shopping and browsing the website and the Facebook page as well. Please share with all of your family and friends.

God Bless…..


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The Story of My Journey


Hi friends, thank you for stopping by to read my blog post today. We all have many journeys that we go through in life and so I thought I would share some of the journey I have walked through in my life. This is my Journey… I am a 33 Year old mom of a sweet little 5 year old boy.

I was born and raised in Texas, and have lived there all of my life up until about a year ago. I have had many journeys in my life that I have gone through, as many of us do. Although I had many my new journey happened a few years ago.


My new journey in life started shortly after the birth of my son. Let me catch you back up, so about 6 1/2 years prior I met a man. He was really nice and sweet. We had dated a while. Then right before Christmas I had major oral surgery to have my wisdom teeth taken out. I was going through the recovery process of it and continued getting really sick. I was at work and not feeling well at all so I called the surgeon who did the work on my mouth. We looked into everything that it possibly could be from the operation and the only other option they asked is if I could be pregnant. I was like no, there is no way. I met the guy I was dating at the time for dinner. I shared their thoughts with him over dinner and we decided it would be best to stop at the store to buy a pregnancy test. So we did.

I took the test and waited for the results, they read that I was pregnant. I had a client that owned a Christian Clinic that helped minister to women to help those that might have been raped and or didn’t want to have their baby or wanted a abortion or to give their baby up for adoption. Now please understand If they confirmed that I was pregnant I wasn’t having an abortion and I was not raped.. I called her at 12:30 am and she picked up the phone. I woke her and her husband up. She took my call. She got me in the very next day. I met her at the front desk as scared as I could be. Not because I was pregnant but because I was so scared to tell my family and friends. I was raised that you get married then you have a baby. So I knew if i really was pregnant that I would have disappointed a lot of people.

Sono of Trey copy
Sonogram of Trey at 3.5 months.

I filled out the paperwork for the clinic and I was called back shortly after that. I will never forget seeing her when she came around the corner she looked like an angel. She took me back to her office and spoke to me and prayed with me first. I explained in detail what took place. She said that since I had a recent medical procedure and was put under I needed to see a doctor asap. So she called and they were able to fit me in. As we were waiting on the time for me to go over to their office, she showed me around the office and told me what all they did and their ministry in depth. I told her If it showed that I was pregnant that I didn’t want to have an abortion or give the baby up for adoption. I didn’t believe in that. I believe that it is my responsibility to care of this baby that God blessed me with.

This is me at 9 months in my pregnancy.

She received the call that the Doctor was ready for me. So she actually went with me over to the office. As we were walking she was reassuring me that she would be there for me and hold my hand each step of the way, She did just that. I had a internal sonogram done. As he was looking on the screen she was holding my hand and catching all my tears. Then the doctor said would you like to see your little blessing. I said yes sir… So he turned the screen and there was a very tiny little spot that was fluttering. He said that is your baby. I cried even more of course, while he was figuring out how far along I was. He said that I needed to keep a closer eye on the baby because of the operation that I had just gone through. He then gave me pictures of my baby.


As my angel and I were walking out of his office she asked me how I felt. I said amazing but that I was worried at the time. She asked me what I was worried about and I said nothing about having the baby but what do I say to people and my FAMILY!!!! I will be hated and judged and not liked and I wasn’t raised that way. I was raised you get married you move in together and then you have kids. This was my angels response. ” Do you see those stones?” I said yes ma’am “she then proceeded pick some up and then she said this to me ” People that talk about you and judge you have no room to talk because the only one that is perfect is Jesus Christ. So Remember that they are not perfect and have no place to treat you like that. They are casting stones that they should throw at their self.”

Judge Not Lest Be Judged! And Let Him Who is Without Sin Cast The First Stone. John 8:7

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On to the next part of my journey was my pregnancy. Over the 9 months that I was pregnant I was faced with many things. Things a girl like me thought I would never go through, but there was much joy in this time too. So I was faced with being asked to have an abortion after telling my boyfriend that I was really pregnant. I showed him the pictures and shared the story of the day. We went a few days later to tell his family first upon arrival to their house he asked me one more time if I was sure that I wanted to keep it. I again said YES!!!! We told his parents first because they were not the type of people that really we were worried to go to. Their family morals and my families were not the same. Although they were disappointed in our choices they were excited shortly after that. His mother asked us if we were keeping the baby. I immediately said yes, but that he wasn’t sure he wanted to keep it. She said whatever happens between the two of you please let me see my grandchild.

A few months into my pregnancy I told my family. They were not happy at all as I expected and I had a lot of judgement placed on me and a lot of family that didn’t speak to me. About 7 months later I lost my job from the company I had been with for a really long time. So I started doing a lot of contract work to keep income coming in because my boyfriend was let go from all of his jobs that he had. My family was starting to warm up back to me, well some of them were. Still had issues with others. It was just something I didn’t worry about to much. I just looked for the positive and remembered what My Angel told me. We also found out we were having a boy. That was really neat..

Trey Gift

Fast forward again and 9 months later in August my boyfriend and I were married. My grandmother said it would be best to do that before we had the baby. When really we should have waited. We were given a baby shower for him. I found out that at the end of my baby shower my husband had cheated on me. So I was just married not even a few weeks found out he cheated and had my baby in the same month. My son was born on August 29, 2010 and my entire world changed. He was precious and I fell in love. I also ended up having a emergency C-Section due to some issues at the hospital, so I ended up needing some extra help. So I had to move in with family because my husband and I were on the fence about a lot of things. We were in counseling but it was not going well. He came and went during this time he had been with a woman that he is still with today. He threw all of mine and my sons stuff out of storage changed the locks and I ended up losing everything I had and my son had. He was living between his girlfriend and family members. He told myself and my family that the baby and I were not his responsibility, from that point on I never saw him again. I went to counseling to a wonderful pastor that helped me through the process my husband didn’t show up to a few sessions I went to them all by the end of it I met with the counselor and he said it is OK you have done everything that you can it will be fine. So I proceeded to contact a attorney. I had to file for divorce something that I never wanted to do but something I knew I had to even after begging for my husband to stay and come back and everything that I did wouldn’t work. Because it takes two whole people and God in the center for it to work. It was only one sided in this case. He didn’t want anything to do with my son let alone me. It took us a long time to serve him and it was like he turned ugly over night. It was definitely a trying time during this process and it was very stressful. But I kept remembering what my angel told me.

Granny holding baby Trey at only a few days old.

Flash forward now, I have been divorced for over 5 years and my son is now 5 years old. I was told by many that I would never make it and that I was a failure. I went through many hardships even before this marriage and my son. I was raped at a young age and molested at an even younger age. I was abused in a few relationships that I was in as well. My life had a lot of bad and negative, But I say all of this because when my son was born I found a relationship with Jesus Christ. That was thanks to my Grandmother who had salvation preached at her service when she passed away shortly after my son was born. She knew she would have someone there that wasn’t saved and that someone was me. Her only granddaughter.

Trey, 4 years old, and I, 33 years old, back home in Texas in a field of bluebonnets.

Although we all may face similar journeys and some maybe not so similar we can always remember that there is someone always there for us. When we think that there is no one, there is someone and that someone is Jesus Christ. No matter what a you may go through in life just know that you can always turn to him and he will never fail you.. Please feel free to share your thoughts and a journey maybe you have gone through in your lifetime.
