“Ministry — of the purest kind — isn’t about impressing others with a flawless life. It’s not about polished presentations, perfect families and always-put-together women.
It’s about daring to expose our hidden imperfections and giving others permission to do the same. Becoming a fellow struggler, faith wrestler and hand-holder who delivers zero judgment but instead offers oceans of presence and grace.
Why? Because we have a God who says we’re enough. Just as we are.” – Michele Cushatt, Author
This…so much! So many women try so hard to present as if they are perfect and have the perfect family! Or the perfect life, job, career, income, travel or whatever else. If we were perfect we wouldn’t need Jesus! But none of us are and we need HIM! Why are we so afraid of showing and sharing our struggles? Trials bring growth! We need to show one another the same grace Jesus shows us everyday! Thank you, Jesus for meeting us where we are and guiding us to grow in you and our faith!
I would say, ” We have a God that accepts us just where we are but doesn’t want us to stay just as we are” after all He calls us to be “Holy as He is Holy”
Praying for each of you tonight